The Co-Op Press: Many hands make light work

by Gabrielle Mathieu In Aspiring to Author, Megan Haskell and Greta Boris describe the different routes to publication. There’s conventional publishing, publishing with a small press, and self-publishing. I’d like Continue reading

Traditionally Challenged: Navigating the Publishing Labyrinth grit

Are You a Publishing Greenhorn?

by Greta Boris green·horn (ˈɡrēnˌhôrn/ | noun | NORTH AMERICAN informal) a person who is new to or inexperienced at a particular activity. When I was a running greenhorn, I experienced something in a Continue reading

Independently Wealthy? Exploring the Alchemy of Self-Publishing

A Generous Community: My top free resources for writers and indie authors

by Megan Haskell When I first started writing, I had no idea what I was doing. Shocking, I know. You hear stories about authors who developed their passion for writing before Continue reading

Traditionally Challenged: Navigating the Publishing Labyrinth grit

Productivity, Thankfulness, and Super Chickens

by Greta Boris Looking for your publishing dream team? Most of us think if we could only find our publishing dream team—agent to the elite, Big Five press, superstar editor, Continue reading