MARKETING MAYHEM: Instagram and the EEEK Method

By Kristy Tate // 


Social media can be intimidating, especially for introverted writers. The fears are real, from concerns about privacy to worries about cyberbullying and negative comparisons. But I’ve come up with a simple strategy that might just help you conquer your virtual shyness. I call it EEEK, and no, it’s not because I’m scared (although I often am) – it stands for Entertain, Educate, Engage, and Konnect (with a “K,” so no one will confuse it with the European Economic Community.)

First up, let’s talk about how to entertain, because as storytellers, the last thing we want to be is boring. After all, we’re in the entertainment industry, competing with movies, TV shows, video games, and a plethora of other diversions. But we have an advantage! Books are not only affordable but also portable – perfect for on-the-go amusement. To entertain on Instagram, think visually. Share eye-catching images of your book covers, sneak peeks, and behind-the-scenes moments from your writing journey. Get creative with professional photography or design tools like Canva or I-movie to capture your book’s storyline. Remember, storytelling isn’t limited to books; it’s a powerful tool for engaging your readers online too!

Next up, education. Everyone loves learning something new. Share those nuggets of inspiration you encounter daily (novel fodder, as I call it). How about images of the real-life locations that inspired your settings? Or give a glimpse into your protagonist’s inner world and their struggles. If your story is inspired by true events, share the story behind it. And if your professional background plays a role in your book, give your audience an in-depth look at how it influenced your work.

Now, engagement – this is key to building a loyal reader community. Respond promptly to comments and direct messages, showing your appreciation for their support. Initiate conversations by asking questions or creating discussion posts related to your book’s themes. Encourage readers to share their thoughts and experiences with your books. The more you connect personally, the more loyal your audience will become. Hosting contests and giveaways can also generate excitement around your book launch – think caption contests or fan art competitions. Readers love getting involved!

And finally, the most intimidating part for us introverts – building connections. But this is where the magic happens! Reach out to fellow authors in your genre; stalk, I mean, follow them to see how they use Instagram. Engage with their content, share their posts, and join the conversations. Focus on building relationships. Offer free ebooks to Bookstagrammers and influencers in your genre, and they might just share your work with their engaged followers.

Rotate and vary your posts. So, for example, on Monday you might focus on entertainment, Tuesday educate, Wednesday, engage, Thursday connect, and Friday heave a sigh of relief and climb under the covers with a good book. Or maybe you’re very brave and do one of each every day.

So, fellow introverts, Instagram might seem daunting, but with the EEEK strategy, you can conquer your fears and connect with your readers authentically. Be genuine in your posts and interactions, sharing your passions, achievements, and struggles. Embracing your authentic self will attract like-minded book lovers and foster genuine connections.

KRISTY TATE is the Social Media Director for O.C. Writers and a USA Today bestselling author. To date, her newsletter subscriber list is edging toward 15,000.

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