MARKETING MAYHEM: The Thirty-Minute Marketing Sprint

By Kristy Tate // 

 Gone are the days when you could sit up in your cozy little ivory tower and wait for readers to magically stumble across your book. Even if you’re one of the favored few snagged by a publisher, authors these days need to roll up their sleeves and dive into marketing their own books. Introverts, stop moaning! It’s time to get to work. Most of us are familiar with writing sprints—the tried-and-true method of setting a timer and doing nothing but writing. But did you know you can have marketing sprints as well? Here’s how:

Set a time limit: Think of it as a thrilling race against the clock! Decide how long you want your sprint to be. It could be a quick 10 minutes of word-wrangling of ad-copy or an intense hour-long marketing marathon. Whatever floats your boat and fits your schedule.

Eliminate distractions: It’s time to create your marketing studio! Toss that phone aside, close unnecessary tabs on your computer, and create a focused bubble that screams, “Hey, marketer at work!”

Start the sprint: Ready, set, go! Launch yourself into marketing frenzy without looking back. Don’t sweat the small stuff like grammar or sentence structure just yet. The goal is to let your ideas flow like a wild river and see where they take you. Trust your instincts and let the ad copy dance across the page.

Want to break it down even more? Buckle up, because we’re about to rock your marketing it in just thirty minutes. Here’s a sample plan to get your marketing mojo flowing:

Step 1: Define goals and target audience (5 minutes)

First things first, set your marketing goals. Are you looking to create a buzz, boost sales, or engage with your readers? Get crystal clear on what you want to achieve. Then, identify your target audience—the amazing folks who are going to fall head over heels for your book.

Step 2: Social media promotion (10 minutes)

Craft engaging posts that bring out the best in your book. Show off its captivating themes, intriguing characters, and all those unique selling points that make it a must-read. Schedule those posts using handy tools like Hootsuite or Buffer, and watch them go viral. Engage with your followers, too! Respond to their comments, questions, and messages. It’s all about building that tribe of devoted fans.

Step 3: Email marketing (10 minutes)

Share exciting updates about your book, offer exclusive content, or tempt them with limited-time promotions. If possible, segment your email list to send targeted messages that hit home with specific groups of readers. Then, hit that send button and track the results.

Step 4: Reach out to influencers and book bloggers (5 minutes)

Time to make connections in the literary universe! Identify influencers, bloggers, and reviewers who cater to your target audience or specialize in your book’s genre. Craft personalized messages that show genuine interest in collaborating with them. Offer review copies or guest blogging opportunities to sweeten the deal. Keep track of your outreach efforts and don’t forget to follow up with those who show interest. It’s all about building those mutually beneficial relationships.

Step 5: Research advertising opportunities (5 minutes)

Let’s explore the advertising possibilities! Research platforms like Amazon Advertising, Facebook Ads, or the popular BookBub to find potential avenues that align with your target audience and budget. Take a peek at book promotion sites or newsletters that cater to your genre. Check out their reach, costs, and submission guidelines.

And you’re done! Take a breather, and when you’re ready reassess. What worked? What flopped? Take notes, because if you don’t take time to monitor, how will you know what to duplicate and scale?

Incremental sales growth is the name of the game, and consistency is your secret weapon. Even in just thirty minutes a day, you can create a steady stream of promotional activities that add up over time.

Daily book marketing isn’t about short-term success—it’s a long-term love affair with your readers. By showing up every day, you build momentum and create a compounding effect. Your author brand becomes rock-solid, and a loyal following forms like a cheerleading squad. As you keep investing time and effort into marketing, the impact snowballs.

Remember, marketing is a marathon, not a sprint, but you can sprint your marketing. Those thirty minutes a day won’t turn your book baby into an overnight sensation, but they lay the groundwork for steady growth and exposure. Consistency is key, along with a dash of creativity and some serious reader wooing.  

KRISTY TATE is the Social Media Director for O.C. Writers and a USA Today bestselling author. To date, her newsletter subscriber list is edging toward 15,000.

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