Independently Wealthy? Exploring the Alchemy of Self-Publishing

Beginning with the End: Basic Project Management for Indie Authors

by Megan Haskell You’re an indie author. You’ve written a book and think it’s pretty good. You’re ready to publish. Slow down, bunny rabbit. The art might be finished, but Continue reading

Independently Wealthy? Exploring the Alchemy of Self-Publishing

Spending Green: Hiring your publishing team

by Megan Haskell Confession: I hate the term “self-published author.” Words matter. Connotations matter. Word-play can be used to clarify or deceive, to insinuate or taunt. So what does the Continue reading

Independently Wealthy? Exploring the Alchemy of Self-Publishing

The Independent Author-Publisher: Is this you?

by Megan Haskell A lot of people will try to tell you there’s only one way to publish. They sit on one side of the fence or the other and decry Continue reading