October Thrills & Chills & Hands-on Writing Workshop

The O.C. Writers Monthly Update


It’s October. Are you surprised?

I sure am. This year has flown by, but as the sun sets sooner each day, it’s time to think about the things that go bump in the night, the Thrills and Chills of being a writer.

This month our resident horror writers will regale us with their favorite recommendations in the genre, while the ghostly voices of readers past alternately haunt and boost our writerly self-confidence. (How do YOU deal with criticism?) Better yet, let’s talk about the chills that race down your spine when you release a new novel out into the world! Yikes!

New Workshop!

Sadly, the Take Charge of Your Author Career Workshop Series we were planning for Tuesdays this month didn’t garner enough advance registrations to pass go. However, Greta and I came up with what we believe is an even better, more targeted, and hands-on experience. Instead of standing up in front and talking at you for an hour, we’re going to work with you to develop a plan for your next book.

Take Charge of Your Writing This November: A hands-on workshop for writers serious about winning this November (and beyond)

This is a hands-on workshop for writers serious about finishing their first draft. You’ll spend the morning in an intimate group where you’ll receive individualized attention from an award-winning fantasy author and a traditionally published thriller author.

You’ll leave with:
– A detailed writing schedule based on your goals
– Hacks to maximize your writing time
– A finely honed story premise
– A clear understanding of your primary characters
– A plot map to keep your story on track

The class will be held Saturday, October 27 from 8 AM to Noon in Mission Viejo. A continental breakfast is included.

Southern California Writers Conference attendees paid $50 for a fifteen minute, one-on-one critique with us. But we’re keeping the cost of this workshop low because you’re an O.C.Writer. It’s only $100.

Because this is a hands-on class where the group will be work-shopping individual story ideas and practicing productivity hacks as a team, we have to keep the numbers small. Space is limited, and registrants will be accepted on a first come first serve basis.

After you register, you’ll receive a packet of pre-class assignments and advanced reading materials, so when you arrive you’ll be ready to get to work! We’re serious about helping you win this November.

REGISTER HERE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/take-charge-of-your-writing-this-november-a-hands-on-workshop-tickets-49417879207

Please feel free to email us at info@ocwriters.network with any questions.

Next Month

We’re talking about Overindulgence. What are your guilty writing pleasures? How do you deal with that bloated manuscript that needs to be trimmed back into shape? What words or phrases do you overuse? Share your ideas with the O.C.Writers Community! Submit your articles to Megan by Saturday, October 27th. Click here for submission guidelines.


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