June Gloom…Or is it?

The O.C. Writers Monthly Update

You’ve reached the halfway mark of 2018, better known as the mucky middle. June in Southern California is often overcast and gray, and visibility can be poor. It seems a fit analogy for this time of year.

If your goals don’t seem any closer than they did in January, if you’ve lost the enthusiasm you began the new year’s projects with, if you’re frustrated by “invisible writer” syndrome, we feel your pain. We want to help.

Here are 5 quick tips, with lots more details to follow this month on the blog.

1) Step back and look at the big picture – Think about why you started writing in the first place and what you have accomplished.

C.S. Lakin, author of over thirty books, an award-winning blogger,writing coach and copyeditor, will share insights about how to find a room with a view. (By the way, Susanne has amazing resources for writers in every stage of their career. We’ll be linking to some of those in her post.)

2) Let someone else’s story inspire you – Some people become envious when they see another’s success. I don’t. I get hopeful. If it can happen for them, maybe it can happen for me.

You’ll meet Sheri Fink, internationally known inspirational speaker and #1 Amazon best-selling, award-winning author, on the blog this month. Sheri will share her adventures in entrepreneurial publishing.

3) Get out and meet new people – Sometimes your problem is cabin fever. Writers sit in their dens day after day with only their imaginary friends for companionship. YIKES! It’s time to get out into the real world.

I, Greta Boris, your humble servant, will share what I learned about how to throw an author event from the first Wine and Words Festival.

4) Arm yourself against your inner demons – Sometimes we are our own worst enemies. Our inner critique takes itself much too seriously and destroys our confidence.

Cary Christopher and Lisanne Harrington, Horror writers extraordinaire, know all about the things that wake us up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night. They’ll teach you their ghost buster tips and tricks.

5) Take practical steps – If you’re suffering from “invisible author” syndrome and feel like a wraith yourself, you might need a plan of action.

Cindy Kluger of Magic Author Services will be teaching a FREE workshop on how to start your author platform at the Foothill Ranch Library on Monday, June 11, at 6:00 PM. Not only will you learn a ton and get a free author marketing ebook, but it will get you out of the house!

I don’t know about you, but I feel better already. Please share this email with any writer friends you think might need a boost.

Next Month

We’ll be talking about history next month, yours, your characters’, the history of literature, historical fiction, the history of the genre nearest and dearest to your heart. Help us out and submit your articles to Megan@OCWriters.Network by Saturday, June 23rd.

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