It’s Time to Grow

The O.C. Writers Monthly Update

Spring is here, or at least right around the corner. Now it’s time to . . .


March is our month for growth. Whether it’s improving your craft and growing as a writer, expanding your audience, or creating a story arc that shows character growth, we’ll be giving you the tools you need to grow your own writing career. Amongst the articles you can look forward to:

  • Our Girl on Writing, Elizabeth Conte will share how sometimes a period of dormancy can lead to beautiful blooms of creativity.
  • New contributor, Sven Davison and his alter ego, Nevs, are going to regale us with a video discussion (read: rant) about book fairs, the ups and downs, and how best to use them to grow your writing business.
  • Megan Haskell will be sharing her exploration of indie audiobook publishing, and how to expand your backlist with new revenue streams.
  • Horror writers Cary Christopher and Lisanne Harrington will share their own experiences improving craft and writing strong character arcs.
  • Greta Boris is taking a class from master of marketing copy, Bryan Cohen. She’ll be sharing what she learns about how to grow your audience with awesome book descriptions. And, we’ll have an added perk in April — a how-to video with Bryan himself.

Upcoming Events

Plot, Polish, Publish Workshop: Session 1

March 12, 2018 at the Foothill Ranch Library
Join Megan, Greta, and Joe DeLadurantey for part one of a three-part workshop geared toward bringing your work out into the world. Sessions will be held at the Foothill Ranch Library the second Monday in March, April, and May.

The March session will focus on the art of plotting. Whether you’re a pantser or detailed plotter, you’re sure to pick up some tips for writing better and faster.

A Celebration of Women in Writing

Tentative date: May 6, 2018 at A Stones Throw Winery
Mark you calendars and join us for author panels, book signings, wine tasting, and more! Participating authors and further details to be released soon.

Next Month

April is a period of resurrection. How can your resurrect your backlist? Resurrect your inspiration or motivation to write a tough story? Write zombie stories that move beyond the mere resurrection of the dead? Be creative!

Submit your articles to Megan by March 24th. Be sure to review our submission guidelines before sending.

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