Seeking Crits and Reads for July

SEEKING CRITS AND READS is a free monthly opportunity for O.C. Writers to find critique partners, beta readers, and book reviewers, and this month, we’re switching up how we do it to make it simpler than ever.

If you’re looking for feedback, just post your request in the comments below.

What’s allowed?

Requests for critique partners, beta readers, and honest reviews on book supplied by the author.

What should the request entail?

A brief explanation of what you’re looking for, which should at least include your genre and contact information.

May I make multiple requests?


And that’s it. So simple, right? If there’s someone out there who can help you get the feedback you need, we want to help you two connect. After all, we’re all in this crazy writerly world together, so let’s make the best of it.

SEEKING CRITS AND READS runs the third Wednesday of the month. For more information, email

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