Seeking Crits and Reads for June

SEEKING CRITS AND READS is a free monthly opportunity for O.C. Writers to find critique partners, beta readers, and book reviewers. This month, we have a request for a beta reader and a book reviewer. If you’re interested in either opportunity, please reach out to the author directly.


Cultural fiction

I’m a former journalist and non-fiction writer who somehow thinks he might know how to write fiction. I would love an honest second opinion on my second attempt at a novel (the first I self-published on Amazon; this new work is a third draft of my 100,000 word manuscript.) In return I can can offer humility, appreciation, and a more than descent free lunch. – Gary Goldhammer |



(offering a free book in exchange for an honest review)

Magical Realism, Animal Fiction

Hounds of Mercy is 86 pages, eight short stories about Rhodesian Ridgeback hounds with supernatural healing magic saving humans caught in predicaments they cannot overcome. Sweet like W. Bruce Cameron / Garth Stein dogs but shamanic like Anubis who shepherds Egyptian pharaohs into the Afterlife. Age 12 to seniors – Michael Hoffman |

SEEKING CRITS AND READS runs the third Wednesday of the month. For information on how to submit a writerly want ad, visit the SUBMISSIONS page.

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