Happy New Year!

The O.C. Writers Monthly Update

January is a great time to share your goals, hopes, and dreams within a safe community, and that’s what O.C.Writers is. We spend a significant amount of time online and I think we all know how snarky some online groups can be. We’re not one of them! Our thanks to each and every reader and contributor for being such a great, supportive group!

This month, we’re going to be talking about the New. New goals, new strategies, and new ideas. Megan will be writing about how she intends to take her books wide this year and what you should think about before you do the same. I’ll be writing about the care and feeding of my email list. And, we’ll be bringing you insights from some of our other authors on the topic of new things all in the month of January.

Another change we’ve instituted is we’re beginning to share our weekly goals at the Write In at Patch Coffee in Lake Forest. Accountability is a wonderful thing.

However, if you can’t make the Write In, we encourage you to post your goals on the Monday Motivation post in the O.C. Writers Facebook Group. That way we can celebrate each other’s successes together.

Next Month

Speaking of goals, we’d like to encourage you to consider submitting a post to the blog this year as one of yours. February’s theme is “Red”. What does that mean to you? How do you use color in your stories or poems? How do you avoid seeing red when you get a critique or negative review? What’s the lifeblood of the author existence? What steps have you taken to get your writing business out of the red and into the black?

The theme is a prompt, but remember we’re looking for helpful posts on craft, publishing, marketing, business, and motivation. Click here for submission details, deadlines, and the theme for every month this year.

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