The O.C. Writers Monthly Update

Now that I have your attention… ????

December is here and with it the holiday season. This month as we bake and wrap and sing our way through each day, we’re also going to take a moment to cool off and settle in with a warm blanket and mug of something warm. Which really means, we’re going to mix in some of our favorite posts from the past with some soul satisfying new articles, as we prepare for the New Year.

That said, Greta and I had some big goals for O.C. Writers in 2018, and we’ve accomplished most of them. One of the biggest was to expand our leadership team. We’re excited to announce the stork finally arrived and added to our family. We have a brand new managing editor!

Introducing Beth Marcus:

In her previous lives, Beth worked as a teacher, personal trainer, in animal rescue and as a manager in children’s retail. A true Midwesterner at heart, and diehard Jayhawk alum, she now resides in Southern California with her husband and two young daughters. She has written many things for friends and family over the years including poems, short stories, anecdotes and family history. She is currently writing her first novel.

New Opportunities

Another thing I love about the holiday season, is knowing that a fresh, new year is right around the corner.  We’re already starting to ponder 2019, which means more opportunities for you.

Opportunity #1: Experience the joy of giving and become a part of our leadership team. We’re looking for someone to help us with social media as we continue to expand our community online. If that sounds interesting, email us at, and we’ll give you the skinny.

Opportunity #2: Get Published!
Yes, you read that right. We will publish the best of the best on the website. Our reach increased exponentially in 2018, which means your wonderful words will find their way into more mailboxes, and onto more Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram feeds. And, of course, it gives you bragging rights on that query letter or job application.

To help you think ahead, we’ve come up with themes for each act of 2019. Use these as prompts, but remember we’re looking for helpful posts on craft, publishing, marketing, business, and motivation.

Jan – New Apr – Fresh July – Land Oct – Dark
Feb – Red May – Test Aug – Travel Nov – Apex
Mar – Push June – Middle Sept – Revise Dec – Wrap

We hope these themes will inspire you to think ahead, but don’t worry they’re on the website along with their deadlines on the Submission Page. Click here for submission guidelines.

Have a blessed Christmas and an extraordinary New Year!

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