Homework: Recommended Reading for Writers

Independently Wealthy? Exploring the Alchemy of Self-Publishing

by Megan Haskell

My daughter started Kindergarten this year, and with “big girl school” comes homework. She’s actually excited about the concept, proud to be challenged to study at home on her own. She has always loved school, but now there’s a new level of responsibility and she’s rising to the challenge.

The other night, she turned to me from the kitchen table where she was completing her assigned worksheets — I was cooking dinner — and asked why I don’t have homework. I looked up from chopping vegetables with an incredulous expression.

The fact is, I’m always learning, always doing homework. After all, I work from home. Everything is homework. But the question made me pause and think about how much I’ve learned in ten years of writing and almost three years publishing.

Self-Directed Continuing Education

Continuing education is a critical part of becoming a successful author. Not only do you need to practice and improve your craft, you need to research and understand the business and industry. Even the most experienced writers have more to learn.

But I think now is an appropriate time to share the most valuable resources I’ve discovered. It’s a mix of craft, production, and marketing, but recommended reading for writers of all levels. If you haven’t already devoured these books, you should definitely check them out!

Aspiring to Author

And here’s a new one to add to your list, Aspiring to Author: A Guide for Your Publishing Career, by Greta Boris and Megan Haskell!

Inspired by the O.C. Writers community and our work on this blog, Greta and I wrote Aspiring to Author to help writers make the transition from hobbyist to professional, and authors move from one publication path to another.

Aspiring to Author will help you:

  • Discover your publishing personality
  • Understand the pros and cons of each publishing path
  • Develop personal goals that will lead to publication
  • Build your author platform
  • Navigate basic marketing options

The book is now available on Amazon, or if you’ll be attending the Southern California Writers’ Conference this weekend (September 22-24), you can pick up your book at the Mysterious Galaxy pop-up bookstore, and we’ll be thrilled to sign it for you!

What other resources have you found most valuable in your writing career? What books should I include in my homework? Share them in the comments!



Megan Haskell, Author

Legend has it, I was born with a book in my hands. Thirty-ish years later, I’m a stay-at-home-mom who prefers a good story over doing the dishes. Only now, I’m building my own fantasy worlds! I’m the Award-Winning author of the Amazon bestselling series,The Sanyare Chronicles, co-author of Aspiring to Author: A Guide for Your Publishing Career, and Program Director of O.C. Writers. You can find me on my website at www.meganhaskell.comFacebook, and Twitter.

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3 Replies to “Homework: Recommended Reading for Writers”

    1. Thanks Diane! It’s so true, especially for writers who have to be self-directed and self-motivated to keep learning and growing throughout their career. I’m glad you found this useful!

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