Back to School with OC Writers

The O.C. Writers Monthly Update

by Megan Haskell

We’re having a heat wave, but summer is officially over. The kids are back to school, the anticipation of vacation has turned to fond memories, and now it’s time to buckle down and get back to work.

If you’ve been derailed by all the summer fun, feel scattered, or are struggling to focus, we have solutions. It’s Writing 101 at O.C. Writers this month. Here are just a few things we have planned:

  • Jeff Lyons, story development consultant with 25 years in television, film, and publishing will share his top 10 writing myths.
  • Elizabeth Conte, editor and regular contributor to Women’s Fiction Writers Association, will teach us how to handle the pain of having our queries rejected.
  • Bestselling author Kristy Tate will inspire us with stories about the famous authors who’ve had to take charge of their own education.
  • Megan will outline her personal continuing education program.
  • Greta will show you how to learn through teaching others.
  • And, lots more.

September brings two other educational resources we’re excited to tell you about:

  • Aspiring to Author – A Guide for Your Publishing Career, by Greta Boris and Megan Haskell will be available mid-September. Visit to learn more and be notified of all the launch details.
  • The Southern California Writers Conference will be in Irvine September 22 – 24 with a terrific lineup of speakers and workshops. Get $25 off when you sign up for the O.C. Writers mailing list at

Next Month

Ghosts, goblins, and ghouls…oh my! In honor of Halloween and the month of all things scary, the O.C. Writers theme for October is “spook”. What spooks you most in your writing career? How have you found the courage to continue? Do you write a mean villain? Are you a horror writer with tips for giving your readers chills and thrills? Pitch us your ideas. We’re not scary. Promise. Articles are due September 30th. Follow the link for Submission Guidelines.

4 Replies to “Back to School with OC Writers”

    1. Awesome! We’ll see you there! We’ll also have to think about setting up another post-conference meet & greet at the bar…????

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