O.C. Writers Teams up with the O.C. Library

The Katie Wheeler Library in Irvine and O.C.Writers are starting a support group for aspiring and published authors in Orange County.

The Write Page-June Flyer-page-001To launch that effort, authors Joe De Ladurantey, Val Davisson, and Greta Boris are teaching a four part series: Plot, Plan, Polish, and Publish – Taking Your Book from Concept to Print.

These FREE workshops will be on the second Wednesday of each month from May through August at the Katie Wheeler Library in Irvine, Ca. from 6:00 to 7:45. 

On the first night we’ll be covering topics like: What kind of writer are you?

How do you know what your genre is and once you do, what are its rules?

How do you schedule your writing time?

And, I’ll be giving you my own personal check list to help you evaluate the popular books in your genre.

4 Replies to “O.C. Writers Teams up with the O.C. Library”

  1. Hello, I learned about your workshop from Donna Kolling Lear. Since I’ve missed the first two can I attend the last two?

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